Prerequisite: Setting up Amazon S3

The recommended setup for this plugin is to have a dedicated AWS user for the bucket where the Redmine data is going to be stored. How to create such a user is explained in this guide. After creating a user, you should check out the guide on how to create the S3 bucket.

Important security note

After files are uploaded they are made public to anyone who knows the URL.

Installation of the Redmine plugin

  1. Change into your Redmine installation’s root directory
  2. Clone the plugin
    • git clone plugins/amazon_s3
  3. Copy the default configuration into your Redmien setup
    • cp plugins/amazon_s3/config/amazon_s3.example.yml config/amazon_s3.yml
  4. Update your dependencies
    • bundle install --without development test
  5. Delete the .git directory of the plugin and commit it to your favorite version control system
    • rm -Rf plugins/redmine_s3/.git

Configuration of the Redmine plugin

To perform this step, you should have the following information from Amazon AWS:

Now open the config/amazon_s3.yml file you’ve previously copied and fill in the blanks. Each option is explained in the configuration file itself, or here.

Options Overview


Running tests

Run unit tests from the root of your redmine installation (the plugin must be installed and configured for this).

bin/rake amazon_s3:test

Note that, if you have the test environment configured in your amazon_s3.yml and run the test suite, you will incur a small amount of S3 charges.

List of documentation articles

For completeness, here’s a list of all documentation articles: